Direct Salon Furniture Vibrotherapy Massager
Direct Salon Furniture Vibrotherapy Massager, mobile massager equipped with 5 applicators for different treatments, digital unit mounted on a wheel-base column and a tray to fit the different applicators. Applicator 1 is a silicone round-shaped applicator with long prong to apply massage in great depth. Applicator 2 is also a silicone round-shaped applicator with multiple short prongs that works at the epidermis depth, making it suitable for stimulation, exfoliation, vasodilation and revitalisation massage treatments, this can be used on the back, thighs and buttocks. Applicator 3 is a smooth and versatile sponge circular applicator conceived for sensitive parts of the body, hence it can apply a soft and light massage, which is used before and after starting treatments to prepare the tissues and release tension. Applicator 4 is a rubber square-shaped applicator with 4 half balls, making it ideal for massage on shoulders, back, thighs and buttocks. Applicator 5 is a V-shaped sponge applicator suitable for working the shoulders, neck, back, legs and knees zones and great for relaxing treatments.
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